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Dr.B Admin

Sorry to throw a spanner in the works.

Let’s talk about the value of peels and I am talking about the real deal not a mild exfoliating scrub and let’s reassess what we are doing to our skins. This may not be a popular view but let’s agree on clinically proven FACTS  and not rush to what could be illogical conclusions. The idea that we can peel basically any skin and force the skin to make new cells is an extremely  simplified explanation.

Ok, in order for new cells to be produced the skin needs nutritional supplements and that does not just mean any cream, serum, lotion or potion. It requires exactly the “raw materials” necessary to create new healthy cells and these raw materials must be present at the basal layer where new cells are created. So, if you just randomly peel your skin you may achieve a temporary result while damaging the skin in innumerable ways.

By the way, the claim of stimulating collagen production can only happen if the skin is fuelled with the components it needs in order to produce collagen otherwise its a non starter.

In order for the skin to produce new healthy cells, the delivery system for these essential vitamins, fatty acids, hyaluronic acid etc can only be a recognised. Transporter (liposomes or nanosomes) are able to provide these nutrients to the skin at the basal layer and throughout the entire epidermis.

Dr Baumann Multi-Layer Liposomes.

These liposomes and their content will not only supply the basal layer with nutritional “supplements” to create new cells but also energise them and protect them from destructive free radicals on their journey to the surface of the skin.

The stratum corneum “upper layers” of the skin consist of 15 layers of ceramides that protect the skin from environmental damage, harmful bacteria and other toxins and these need to be in place. If you are going to peel the skin you will also peel or disturb the essential ceramide layers and these have to be replaced immediately.

Dr Baumann Multi-Layer liposomes are used to transport ceramides back into the skin to rebuild the damaged, peeled and vulnerable stratum corneum.

The Decision To Peel Must Be Taken On An Individual Basis.

The only time any chemical peel or retinoids could be recommended are for a thick skin, a lined and wrinkled leathery skin, to treat scarring ,skin discolouration or hyperpigmentation (depending on what peel) knowing that whatever peel is used will sensitise the skin making it more reactive to any stimulation ie sun exposure. This for example will cause the hyperpigmentation to return more aggressively. In every case the skin will become thinner, more vulnerable, have a crepe like appearance and will in fact age much faster. If the sebum layer and stratum corneum are not re-balanced, peeling the skin can create new problems like extreme dehydration and even acne. A Dr Baumann chemical free sun protection is critical subsequent to any peel.

Oh, and be sure to be thoroughly informed before you act.


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